This research aims to 1) study the current situation, desirable condition and
needs are needed to strengthen student leadership, 2) to develop a model and
assess the model enhancing student leadership Ban E - Teudonwaikamin School
Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, under the Office of the
Basic Education Commission and 3) to study the effect of using the model for
enhancing student leadership Conducted in 3 phases: Phase 1 study the current
condition Desirable conditions and needs are needed to strengthen student
leadership. Phase 2 Model development and preparation of a model manual for
enhancing student leadership and the phase 3 is the implementation of the student
leadership enhancement model and the satisfaction assessment. Student Leadership
Reinforcement Model Ban E - Teudonwaikamin School, Mahasarakham Primary
Educational Service Area Office 1 under the office Board of Basic Education The
results of the research can be summarized as follows.
The results of the research can be summarized as follows.
1. The results of the study of the present condition Desirable conditions
And needs are necessary to enhancing student leadership Ban E - Teudonwaikamin
School , Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 found that the
current condition in enhancing student leadership as a whole It was at a high level (x̄ = 3.58, S.D. = 0.28). When considering each aspect, it was found that all aspects
were at a high level. Likewise, the side with the highest mean is the interpersonal
aspect ( x̄ = 3.61, S.D. = 0.34). Desirable in enhancing student leadership Ban E Teudonwaikamin School overall was at the highest level ( x̄ = 4.82, S.D. = 0.24). when considering each aspect It was found that all aspects were at the highest level as well. responsibility ( x̄ = 4.84, S.D. = 0.25) and the need needed to strengthenstudent leadership. Ban E - Teudonwaikamin School Maha Sarakham Primary
Education Service Area Office 1, in order of need, are 1) human relations, 2) self-
confidence, 3) honesty, 4) problem-solving skills, 5) sacrifice, 6) Responsibility and 7) Leadership vision respectively.
2. The results of the development of a model for enhancing student
leadership Ban Ita Don School Wai Khamin, Maha Sarakham Primary Educational
Service Area Office 1, which was developed consists of There are 6 sections: 1) Principles 2) Objectives 3) Target groups 4) Content 5) Methods of operation and 6) Evaluation of the format and content scope, divided into 7 modules as follows: 1) Human relations 2) Self-confidence 3) Integrity 4) Problem solving skills 5) Sacrifice 6) Responsibility and 7) Leadership vision. results of suitability assessment Possibility of a model for enhancing student leadership Ban E - Teudonwaikamin School Maha
Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office, District 1 found that it was appropriate and feasible. at the highest level.
3. The effect of using the model in enhancing student leadership Ban E -
Teudonwaikamin School, Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
found that
3.1 Students receiving student leadership development by using the
model of enhancing student leadership After strengthening student leadership, it was
higher than before, with a total score of 26.15, representing 83.86%, and passing the
criteria by 80%.
3.2 Students receiving student leadership development by using the
model of enhancing student leadership have behaviors that show leadership A total
assessment score of 6776 points out of a full score of 7956, with a total mean of
132.86, representing 85.17% and passing the criteria by 80%.
3.3 Students participating in student leadership enhancement activities
using a reinforcement model student leadership Overall, they were satisfied with the
student leadership enhancement model at a high level, with an average of 4.42.