Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
What “enduring” understandings are desired?
What should students know, understand, and be able to
What is worth understanding?
Stage 2: Determine Acceptable
Evidence of Learning
How will we know if students have achieved the desired results and met the standards? What will we accept as evidence of student understanding and proficiency?
Stage 3: Design Learning Experiences
& Instruction
__Set the vision. Focus on the big ideas.
__Create a shared vision.
__Departmental activities to focus on:
__Enduring Understandings
__Standards (national, state, district)
__Essential Questions
__Determine how students demonstrate
their knowledge.
__Focus on assessment before designing
the learning activities.
__Expand the assessment continuum.
__Plan instructional activities.
__Share best practice.
__Build in collaboration.
__Ensure success for all learners.